
How to Live an Elegant Lifestyle on any Budget

The entire internet seems to be absolutely captivated by the idea of Elegance. There are countless articles, videos, and forums discussing the ins and outs of this elusive trait. If you decide to jump down the rabbit hole, you will likely come across a list of “things” that will make you an “Elegant Woman.” A specific blouse or lipstick won’t make you anymore elegant than a lab coat makes someone a doctor. Elegance is a mindset, a mindset that changes your decision making over time. You can access elegance at any price point.

Here’s how:

Use the Best of What You Have

At 10 years old, my most treasured article of clothing was a hot pink velour tracksuit. Unfortunately, I had very little opportunity to wear it. I went to a Catholic school with a strict uniform and a mother who insisted on saving “nice clothes” for “special occasions.” (We had very different opinions on what a special occasion was.”)

I am sure you can guess what happened next: I OUTGREW the tracksuit. As devastated as I was, I learned right then and there, to use the best of what I had. Maybe you can’t wear an evening gown to Trader Joe’s, but you can wear the nice coat you’ve been saving all winter, to your office job.

Everyday that you are alive is a special occasion. Look your best and celebrate your life every single day.

Take Care of What you Already Own 

We live in a world of Fast Fashion and industrialization, where clothing breaks down, as quickly as it is produced.

Maybe you can sew up a small hole in your sweater or get a pair of trousers taken in, instead buying an entirely new pair. We can do our best to wash to wash, iron, etc our clothes. The simple act of folding an article of clothing or hanging it in your closet, can make a world of difference in terms of longevity. 

Making sure your clothing is steamed and cleaned takes you so farther than you know. Of course, within reason, sometimes things need to replaced completely, but until then, break out out the needle and thread. 

Create Daily Rituals 

A key element to the Elegant Woman, is that she intentionally takes time for herself. She pours into her cup FIRST, so she has enough energy for others. Whether it’s 5 mins or 1 hour, she makes time in her day, to nurture her soul, her dreams, and herself.

As a society, we’re busier than ever. We have places to go, people to see, and money to make. Things like sitting with your thoughts and taking time to center yourself, get put on the back burner.

Those small daily rituals we deem unimportant, keep us grounded. They keep us inwardly focused when a million things want our attention. Creating a Daily Ritual can look like drinking a cup of tea at 2pm everyday or refreshing your make up after your lunch break. My morning routine sets me up for whatever is thrown at me. (I admit I feel a little agitated without it.) 

So what now

Well, in pursuing this lifestyle change, you may be drawn to different interests, “nicer” places than what you are used to. You can have on a couture suit, perfect hair, a six-figure handbag, and still feel out of place at a Michelin star restaurant if your mindset is the same as when you started. 

I’m here to tell you Elegance is not the procurement of things. It’s a beauty, it’s a simplicity of self, getting down to the “nitty gritty” of who you are. So streamline the noise, take care of yourself, and practice living beautifully. 

Elegance does not catch the eye. It stays in memory.

– Giorgio Armani

With Love,
