The entire internet seems to be absolutely captivated by the idea of Elegance. There are countless articles, videos, and forums discussing the ins and outs of this elusive trait. If you decide to jump down the rabbit hole, you will likely come across a list of “things” that will make…
The Beauty of the Everyday: 3 Ways to Embrace it
When I walk into my office at 8:30am, I set my bag down, hang up my coat, and turn on the kettle I keep under my desk. I pour myself a glass of water (from my enormous 2 liter water bottle) and put my lunch in the fridge. After, I…
5 Reasons to Dress Up for Bed
What do you wear to sleep? A big t-shirt? Old boxers? Nothing at all? I remember the frilly nightgowns of my youth. For 12 years, everything I slept in had pastel bows or a girly cartoon character on it, but soon I became a teenager and “asserted my independence” and…